Getting Your Customers’ Trust

happy-customers-salesInternet shopping is the hot new thing of the moment right now. All over the world, an increasing number of companies are redirecting their attentions towards the online market, revolutionising modern business.

The virtual shop is not limited by opening hours, the size of the stock room or the lack of parking outside.

Why shop online?

Going online is no longer a nice option – it is absolutely imperative for any business that wishes to be successful in the modern world.

In fact, industry statistics now suggest that the British are the biggest online shoppers in the developed world. Figures from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) show that the percentage of Britons who shop online is nearly double that of the OECD average, including countries like France and the USA.

All of that means that if your products are not available online, you could be alienating a huge number of potential customers.

The one glaring difference is that internet shopping lacks the intimacy and trust of a face to face encounter, meaning that many potential customers are a little wary about parting with their hard-earned money over the virtual counter.

How can I make it secure?

Gaining that level of trust online can be difficult, but it can be aided by putting in place several online security measures which ensure that your customers don’t feel quite so vulnerable and exposed.

One of these might include getting a rapid SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate. SSL is a protocol for the encryption of data over the internet, and is used to protect communications between web browsers and servers.

A good example of a communication, in terms of internet shopping, would be the entering of bank card details on a website as the customer attempts to pay for a product. To protect those card details, the encryption codes and decodes the information, creating a sort of password or PIN code that can’t be guessed or unlocked by a malicious intruder.

The result of this is that becoming SSL-certified will eliminate the unease that any customers may feel when they browse your website, and help them to feel safe enough to go through with any purchases, regaining trust.

Published by Kidal Delonix (1200 Posts)

Kidal Delonix is a contributor to Mr. Hoffman's blog. The views and opinions are entirely his/her own and may not reflect Mr Hoffman's views.

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