3 Useful Tips to Manage Videos for an Online Business Effectively

Online businesses have started to use videos much more frequently and it is a key part of their content, marketing, and advertising. But when dealing with numerous videos it is important to manage them properly – or it could become overwhelming.

To start managing videos more effectively there are a few useful tips that could help your online business:

Plan the Folder Structure

One of the very first steps you should take to keep your videos organized is to plan out the folder structure you’re going to use to store your files.

It should be designed based on your video needs and aim to keep them organized so that you can find them quickly. For example for raw video clips a simple year, month, and date convention may suffice – but categorizing them further in folders based on the type of footage may help.

Similarly a folder structure for active video projects could break them into source files, project files, and delivery files.

Note Important Details in the File Name

The file name is another important tool that you can use to keep your videos organized and manage them more effectively. It should contain important details that let you identify the exact video that you’re looking for more easily.

Online businesses typically deal with videos in various formats and resolutions – especially for delivery. That can be confusing especially as some formats may have the same file extension, and the resolution of videos may not be apparent at a glance.

That is why a good way to manage videos more effectively is to note the video format in the file name. For example if you have a video using MP4 with H.264 in 1080p and another with MP4 with HEVC in 4K – you should add the codec details and resolution to the file name of each.

The exact details that you choose to add will depend on the nature of your videos, and you should be flexible on a case by case basis.

Store and Backup the Original Versions of Important Videos

As a rule you should safely store the original versions of important videos that you may need to use regularly. The original copy will be the version of the video with the best quality.

It would be best to backup important videos using the 3-2-1 rule as a guide.

Subsequently you can convert videos for delivery into different formats from the original. That will help you to ensure the quality doesn’t deteriorate by transcoding the same video over and over using lossy compression.

If you need to convert one of your videos you can use Online Video Converter. It is entirely web-based and will let you quickly convert your videos to various formats by following the guide at https://www.videoconverter.com/how-to-convert-avchd-to-mp4.html.


If you implement the these tips, you should find that you’re able to not only more effectively manage your videos – but protect your online business against the risk that important videos are lost.

In the long run it is best if you start to manage your online businesses’ videos sooner rather than later, or you may need to spend a significant amount of time sorting through them. It will also ensure that you waste less time hunting for the right version of the right video to use in any given situation.

Published by Kidal Delonix (1200 Posts)

Kidal Delonix is a contributor to Mr. Hoffman's blog. The views and opinions are entirely his/her own and may not reflect Mr Hoffman's views.

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