How To Determine Whether Your Dog Is Riskier Than Other’s Pet

Cute-Dog-HD-WallpaperOne of the most common problems observed in the dogs and other pets is aggression. If you own a pet, then it is important to seek professional help from the trainers, behaviourists and veterinarians. Aggression could be the result of various circumstances. All the animals become aggressive if they do not get food or while guarding their territories. They often use aggression as a tool to negotiate the social interactions.

The term aggression is a collection of many levels of attitude and behaviour. It includes warnings, dog bite and serious attack. Aggressive dogs usually show the below mentioned behaviours

  • They become rigid and still for a long time
  • The bark that often sounds like threat
  • They show their teeth
  • Growl
  • They snarl to the person
  • They try to control the person without applying significant pressure
  • They make quick nip leaving no marks behind
  • Sometimes, they bite with significant pressure that leads to bruises
  • Their quick efficient bite might even tear the skin
  • Snap
  • Their bite often causes puncture wounds
  • Shake and bite
  • Sometimes, they bite in rapid succession

What to do if bitten by a dog

If you are bitten by a dog, then you will have to spend great money to recover. To claim the medical expenses, you can file a case against the dog owner. Check out the dog bite law of your area before proceeding ahead. The rules and regulations of different countries vary.

The pets show different types of aggression like

  • The protective aggression – they show this feeling if they believe that friends of family is in peril
  • Territorial aggression – they attack the intruder, whether the person is foe or friend
  • Defensive aggression – the defensive dogs believe that the best defence is a good defence
  • Fearful aggression – it shows this feeling if trapped or cornered
  • Possessive aggression – he tries to guard his belonging and family members from others
  • Frustration elicited – the dog is excited by something but fail to approach it
  • Social – if a dog believes he is high in status, he shows aggression towards loved ones
  • Pain elicited – even a gently and friendly pet can show aggression if he is in pain
  • Redirected aggression – it is observed when someone interferes while a dog is displaying aggression towards another animal
  • Predatory – they will chase and try to grab the fast moving things

Understanding their behavioural patterns

It is essential to understand the behaviour of your pet to determine their aggression. It is quite common for the pets to behave differently towards the unfamiliar people. According to the latest studies, more than 70% of the dogs behave in an unfriendly manner when strangers are around.

The problem arises when they start showing aggression towards the innocent children. There are several factors that will determine the aggression of the dogs. The large dogs are more aggressive and frightening than others. The younger pets with aggression are much easier to treat that the older ones. If you own a dog that has jumps on people to bite, then they are at a higher risk.

Published by Kidal Delonix (1200 Posts)

Kidal Delonix is a contributor to Mr. Hoffman's blog. The views and opinions are entirely his/her own and may not reflect Mr Hoffman's views.

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