7 Reasons to Move to Canada

frfewfwtftYou’ve tasted the maple syrup. You already add “eh?” to all of your sentences. What are some other reasons that you might consider immigrating to Canada? Here are just a few of the best-kept secrets behind that red-and-white flag.

1. Chocolate

Hershey executives have revealed that Canadians are pickier about their chocolate than other countries. The company even has a special recipe that they use exclusively for Canadian candy bars! It’s smoother and creamier than their usual fare, so if you’re a chocoholic, Canada is your dream destination.

2. Northern Lights

The northern lights have to be seen to be believed. Fortunately, Canada is home to some excellent viewing spots. Grab your mittens, pack your camera and trek into the wilderness for one of the most breathtaking natural phenomenon that you’ll ever witness. Seeing it secondhand is nothing like seeing it for real!

3. Whales

Canada experiences a massive whale migration every year. The animals swim more than 10,000 miles before they’re done, and they can be spotted from boats, ships, cruise liners and certain ports. There are tourism companies that do their entire year’s business during whale season!

4. Vacations

Canada is home to more than 3 million lakes, and that’s more than just about every other country on the planet. Whether you’re hoping to relax in the mountains or get your blood pumping with water-skiing and cliff-diving, there’s a lake that will serve as a great holiday location for you.

5. Attractions

Maybe you want to hold your breath on the edge of Niagara Falls. Maybe you want to dine in a revolving restaurant at the top of Toronto’s CN Tower. Maybe you just want to roast marshmallows in Banff National Park! Canada has an endless amount of attractions, so you’ll never run out of things to see and do.

6. Air Quality

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently ranked Canada as #3 on their list of countries with the cleanest air. It was beaten only by Estonia and Mauritius, and neither of these destinations are as popular or well-developed as Canada! If you’re looking for a good place to breathe deep, Canada is it.

7. Familiar Sights

Filmmakers love shooting in Canada because of its gorgeous natural scenery and behind-the-scenes tax breaks. Even if you’ve never step foot in the country, you’ve already seen places like Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal in your favorite shows and movies. You might even recognize certain landmarks from Titanic or Twilight!


These are just a few reasons to pack up and move to Canada. Some are more serious than others, but they’re all real things that can be enjoyed within the country’s borders. For more information on immigrating to Canada, click here!

Published by Kidal Delonix (1201 Posts)

Kidal Delonix is a contributor to Mr. Hoffman's blog. The views and opinions are entirely his/her own and may not reflect Mr Hoffman's views.

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