When people think about starting their own business, many visualise an office environment, working at a computer or creating an innovative product. But when you start your own entrepreneurial venture, it is your chance to leave traditional work spaces behind. As your own boss, you can think outside the box and create the kind of business you want.
If you are thinking of taking the first step to making your entrepreneurial dreams a reality, then think about what you love. What are your passions? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? What does your dream job look like?
For example, if you are someone who loves to spend time outdoors, enjoys being active, and cannot stand the idea of being stuck behind a desk, then why not consider starting an outdoor business? You can enjoy fresh air while having the freedom of being your own boss, too.
As such, here are 5 of the best outdoor business ideas that you could start, right now.
Fitness Instructor
If you consider yourself a bit of a fitness fanatic or have an active hobby that you love, then becoming a fitness instructor could be a brilliant business venture. Why be stuck inside a gym when you could start an outdoor fitness boot camp, offer circuit or marathon training, lead hiking and climbing trips, or teach people to surf. Whatever you enjoy doing, there are so many possibilities for an outdoor fitness start-up. Plus, this is a business idea that can be targeted at all age groups, from children and teens to people who are retired.
Dog Walker
Are you a dog lover? Have you had dogs as pets? Or do you have hands-on experience with animals? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then becoming a professional dog walker could be the perfect business for you. With so many people working long days with lengthy commutes, dog walkers are always in demand. What’s more, starting a dog walking business requires little start-up capital, no training or qualifications, and after securing local clients, you will get to spend the day surrounded by cute furry creatures.
Landscaper and Gardening
For people who spend their every minute planting and maintaining their garden or growing vegetables in an allotment, this relaxing pursuit can also make a great start-up. From mowing lawns, getting rid of weeds and planting flowers, to complete landscaping or chopping down trees, or even growing and selling products at markets and fairs, there are a lot of potential gardening businesses. To start, you need to create a great marketing campaign to secure work, invest in the right gardening equipment and then away you go.
Campsite Owner
If you enjoy camping or outdoor leisurely pursuits, you could consider opening a campsite. Of course, unless you already own a large piece of land, then this type of business would require extra funds to purchase a campsite. The good news is, campsites come in all shapes and sizes, from basic pitches to glamping alternatives, so there are loads of viable business options. However, before starting a camping business, remember to check with your local authority about any necessary planning and licensing regulations.
Food Vendor
In addition to enjoying the great outdoors, perhaps you also like cooking or consider yourself a whizz when it comes to the barbeque? If this is the case, then you could consider starting a food business. In addition to ice cream, hot dog and burger stands, gourmet street food has become huge in recent years. As well as rolling up at a regular spot, if you want to spend time outside, then create the right marketing strategy, you could also secure work at events, festivals and weddings.
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