5 Simple Customer Retention Tactics Using Paid Ads

One of the best ways to attract new customers is through advertising. However, just because you have tempted them to make a purchase, doesn’t mean they will return again. In fact, most new customers don’t return, which can mean more advertising to lure new customers. Here are 5 simple customer retention tactics using paid ads.

Why is Customer Retention so Important?

Only around 18% of companies commit to customer retention, while 44% focus on attracting new customers. However, it costs more to bring in new customers rather than retain what you already have.

There are many benefits to retaining loyal customers, such as good feedback, regular return custom, and word-of-mouth marketing. This is why your business needs to concentrate on those returning customers.

  1. Tell Your Existing Customers About New Products or Services

Before you embark on a new marketing campaign, think about your existing customers. Do they know about your new product yet? If not, then consider telling them first by using some targeted ads.

Not only will they give you some initial feedback, but they will also help spread the word.

  1. Use Holiday Periods to Target Customers

Certain businesses see a surge in sales around the holiday period. If your company is one of those, then this is a good time to try and bring back those one-time customers.

Use a targeted ad campaign that focuses on the demographic you have identified that contains those customers.

You can also use your email list to showcase new products. This list will likely include some that have only made one purchase, but it might be enough to lure them back.

  1. Use Your Website Along With Tailored Offers

Using tailored offers aimed at those who only made one purchase is a great way to entice them back to your website.

It might not be enough to get everyone back, but there is a good chance that it will work for some customers. Think of offers that you feel would be worth someone checking out your website again.

  1. Use Facebook to Build a Fanbase

Building a loyal fanbase is one of the best ways to build customer loyalty and retention. The key to using Facebook is to maintain an engagement with your followers and not just post about products or services.

The more engaged you can make your followers, the more chance they will click through when you do mention a new product.

  1. Use Promoted Posts to Draw in Customers

If you want to attract more people to your Facebook group, try running some promoted ads on the platform to see if it can catch others that haven’t seen your posts so far.

You can test the waters first by spending a small amount to see if it is working. If it does, then you can start running longer campaigns.

And there you have it – 5 simple customer retention tactics using paid ads. Customer retention is one of the most important parts of a successful business. Not only can you save money on advertising, but you also have a loyal fanbase that will give you instant feedback.

Published by Kidal Delonix (1200 Posts)

Kidal Delonix is a contributor to Mr. Hoffman's blog. The views and opinions are entirely his/her own and may not reflect Mr Hoffman's views.

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