Saving Time and Money: The Main Reasons Why Your Company Needs Help Desk Software

grtgrtgrIf you can relate to the below scenario, it could be time for your company to invest in some new help desk software.

The IT team of a software company has taken on a huge initiative – it should be a roaring success but it’s actually turning into a nightmare. A lot of people are getting involved in the software, the client’s reporting faults, the help desk can’t cope with the calls, and nobody knows who’s responsible for what. They’re not even sure whether a customer’s received the right help or the faults have been fixed.

Why’s this occurring?

Because what used to be a tried-and-tested method of tracking all the progress of an initiative (an Excel spreadsheet) is no longer working. If the above sounds all too familiar you may need to implement new software, such as SysAid’s helpdesk, within your company.

Here are five more signs that the manual methods you’re currently using will benefit from state-of-the-art software:

Tracking Things is Becoming Time Consuming

Like the above scenario, are you reliant on manually-intense and old-fashioned spreadsheets for tracking customer resolutions and issues? When you’re asked for a report by your sales manager of the issues customers are facing, does it take you hours to crunch numbers and count cases to find the data? Or, when you want to hire more agents for your team, are you relying on your own intuition rather than solid data that’ll help you make your point?

If you’re answering yes to some or all of the above questions, new support software is probably the next level your company needs to go with. This software will help support your customer service team and clients quickly and efficiently, allowing you to harvest good data, identify trends and up your sales. It’ll also allow your management team to make much better and more informed decisions.

You’re Drowning in Emails

Emails are a wonderful asset for any business, but they can also be a huge weakness when the volumes increase. Mail that can be delivered at the touch of a button has transformed businesses, providing an effortless method of communication. However, when you’ve got masses of emails flooding your inbox on a day-to-day basis, it could do you more harm than good.

Have you ever had to try and explain to a client that their email got “lost” among a number of other urgent inquiries? It doesn’t wash and it makes you look incredibly unprofessional.

If your agents are really starting to struggle with how many emails are flying in and out of your business, customer requests are getting missed, or you’re creating a to-do list based on the emails in your inbox, now’s the time for a new software solution. This will help you create a ticketing system so every email is actioned in a timely, efficient manner. With this streamlined communication system in place, you and your team will feel much more confident in how you’re managing your emails.

You Can’t Offer Customers Online Chat Facilities

Many customers are turning to social channels or other virtual methods of communication to get in touch with companies, which is why new help desks integrate these within their support systems. Companies that are only available to contact by email or phone are being left behind by organizations that offer Live Chat, social media chats and texting options. Furthermore, if you’re still relying on that Excel spreadsheet, offering all these channels is asking for disaster.

Collaborating all of these different communications, help desks ensure your customers and team are communicated with effectively, regardless of what channel they choose.

You’ve Added on Too Many Software Tools

Your help desk doesn’t have to be in the Stone Age to be ineffective, instead, it could have been added to with so many programs and applications that it’s no longer effective.

You might have gotten rid of those dreadful spreadsheets and you may have implemented a ticketing system, but do all these tools work well together? The chances are they don’t, especially as you start to add more and more to your current software. As your team switch from app to app, they can become lost in a field of information, often duplicating their work as they go.

Spending so much time trying to use these tools isn’t cost effective for your company, which is why the latest help desk software will provide you with all these great features but within one program. These all-in-one solutions are easy to use but provide you with all the benefits of the tools you’re currently using.

These are just some of the tell-tale signs that your business is ready to step up its game with the software it’s using.

Published by Kidal Delonix (1200 Posts)

Kidal Delonix is a contributor to Mr. Hoffman's blog. The views and opinions are entirely his/her own and may not reflect Mr Hoffman's views.

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