Can I File a Claim if I Have Purchased a Defective Tire?

Car accidents can be caused by a myriad of things. Collisions can occur as a result of driver negligence, environmental hazards, and even components of the vehicle itself. If you discover that a tire you recently purchased is defective or malfunctioning in any way, you may be eligible to file a claim. This is primarily because such an oversight by the manufacturer or seller can ultimately put you in greater danger of a collision than you would have been otherwise. Furthermore, if you have experienced a car accident as a result of the defective tire, the very knowledgeable defective tire lawyers at Reyes Law are ready to help determine your claim. At which point you may able to hold the manufacturer and/or seller liable for your accident. If any of the previous examples describe your circumstances, the following information below can help on what to know when filing a claim for a defective tire.

Cases for a Defective Tire

Tires are your direct connection to the road; they are what keeps the entire vehicle stable and moving. If these crucial components are underperforming, you could be in great danger. Understand also that your tires are linked to several critical vehicle systems, including the steering mechanisms, wheel alignment, and braking systems. Not only will the maneuverability of your vehicle and your safety be in jeopardy, but these integral systems as well. This will ultimately increase the possibility of a total loss should an accident occur.

Below are a few potential cases that would merit a claim for a defective tire:

  • Fit of the tire. When looking over your vehicle to monitor wear and tear, check the fit of the tire around the rim for starters. Does the tire hold snugly to the rim, or does it bulge around the side? Are their holes, slits, scuffs, or folds in the tire at the point of contact between the rim and the rubber? If so, these are signs that the tire is fit inappropriately to the wheel. (This can either be attributed to inappropriate sizing or the tire’s inability to hold air.) This poses a significant risk of a blowout.
  • Unusually fast rates of wear and tear. Also, pay attention to the rate at which the tire is wearing down. The speed with which your tire should succumb to wearing on the tread is influenced by your driving habits and storage conditions. Consider these factors to determine whether your vehicle is wearing too quickly, as this may be another sign of a defective product.
  • Tread separation. Aside from tread wear, tread separation can also occur with a defective product, which can lead to a loss of control of the vehicle. If the tread is beginning to separate from the base metal of the tire, do not operate the car other than to take it to an auto shop for a replacement.

Filing a Claim for a Defective Tire

If you have observed any of the above descriptions on your vehicle’s tires, you have the grounds to file a claim for a defective tire. As you prepare to pursue legal action, get in touch with a lawyer, as they will help you to determine who is liable for the poor condition of the tire. Whether the oversight is the fault of the manufacturer or seller, it is a direct threat to your safety, and they must be held accountable. A successful case guided by an experienced lawyer will provide you with the compensation needed to replace the tire and return your vehicle to safety once again.

Published by Kidal Delonix (1200 Posts)

Kidal Delonix is a contributor to Mr. Hoffman's blog. The views and opinions are entirely his/her own and may not reflect Mr Hoffman's views.

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